As promised, here are all the juicy details! See? Sometimes the truth really is stranger than fiction. That can definitely be said about some of the “truths” we shared on our Christmas card. Let’s explore those a bit, shall we? Jeff’s Truths: 1. Chased a neighbor down the road with a 2×4 Yes, that’s true.… Continue reading TWO TRUTHS & A LIE
Category: Christmas
It’s that time, friends. That time of the year when everyone is looking for a unique gift idea that is simple, inexpensive and will be appreciated. If you’re looking for a practical gift, I’ve got you covered. This easy neighbor gift idea would also make an excellent gift for coworkers or a Secret Santa.
When we lived in Tucson we used to frequent an amazing Mexican restaurant perched in the foothills of the Catalina Mountains. When it wasn’t too hot, we’d sit on the patio, sipping margaritas and enjoying the view of saguaros on the mountain, set stark against an Arizona sunset. You’d be amazed at just how good… Continue reading CHRISTMAS SUGAR COOKIE MARGARITA
There are some women who are so passionate about any given thing that it makes them easy to buy gifts for. And then there are the ones who seem to have everything they need. Those women in particular can be really hard to shop for when it comes time for gift giving. Not to worry,… Continue reading GIFT IDEAS FOR WOMEN
Well, friends. I tried but I simply couldn’t wait any longer to share my Christmas home tour. Top to bottom, our home is all decked out for the holidays and it’s been that way for a couple of weeks now. Since we’re still relatively new to this house I find that decorating for any season… Continue reading CHRISTMAS HOME TOUR | PART ONE
Few things say celebrate like a bottle of champagne. And when aforementioned champagne comes packaged in a cute little bottle, it’s a tough gift to beat. I’m a huge fan of gifting bottles of bubbly or liqueurs, but I’m the first to admit that packaging makes all the difference. That, my friends, is why I… Continue reading CUTE + SIMPLE CHAMPAGNE GIFT
Christmas at our house
Merry day after, my friends. How was your Christmas? We had a lovely, very quiet day. Grams and Gramps usually spend Christmas with us but this year, they were just here for a single night. They drove up from Yuma on the 23rd and hung out with us until they flew to my mom’s house in… Continue reading Christmas at our house
How to decorate for Christmas :: shelves
Our formal dining room features a set of eight-foot floating shelves that I absolutely love. They provide a space for me to decorate for every season, adding a bit of charm and personality to an otherwise fairly sterile space. This year marks the first Christmas that I have, in my opinion, nailed the seasonal shelving décor.… Continue reading How to decorate for Christmas :: shelves
Prior to this year, I hadn’t sent out Christmas cards for quite some time. For whatever reason, though, I opted to return to tradition this year. Camera and tripod in hand, I threw together some coordinating clothes and marched the family out to a favorite picture spot one really chilly November afternoon. It took awhile,… Continue reading 8 HIGHLIGHTS TO INCLUDE IN YOUR ANNUAL CHRISTMAS LETTER
5 Ornaments & their stories
I love decorator Christmas trees. You know the ones–they feature perfectly-strung lights, themed ornaments and shimmery ribbons draped just so. Truly I love those kinds of Christmas trees, but I don’t have one. Our tree features neither ribbons nor themed ornaments. Our tree features a mish-mash of ornaments that have been accumulated over the years,… Continue reading 5 Ornaments & their stories