My mutiny :: a journey through Jen Hatmaker’s 7

This post contains an affiliate link. Two years ago this month I joined a women’s Bible study group that meets on Tuesday nights.  There are usually cookies of one sort or another–sometimes tea.  There is a chance to connect and decompress.  There is laughter and prayer and common ground.  Mostly there is God.  He’s there… Continue reading My mutiny :: a journey through Jen Hatmaker’s 7

Quiet voice

Christian confession: I sometimes get jealous when I hear someone casually mention that God told him or her to do something.  Or not do something.  I am a Christian person, after all, and it’s not every day that I hear God’s voice offering up advice on, well, anything.  That’s not to say that it hasn’t… Continue reading Quiet voice

God holes

Admittedly, I live a pretty cush life.  Among my blessings, I count a strong faith foundation, an amazing family, dear friends and financial security.  Those are the rose colored glasses through which I presently view the world.  My days are so full of life and love that I seldom reflect on the despair I know… Continue reading God holes

Where God is

Last Friday, a monster of a human being took aim at an elementary school in Southwestern Connecticut and stole away the lives of twenty-six people, including twenty children.  In the wake of the tragedy, the rest of us are either glued to the news in search of answers or we purposefully avoid it, in an… Continue reading Where God is