
When I started Such the Spot in 2008, blogs looked a lot different. They were more like front porches and less like storefronts. I liked the porches better than I like the storefronts. I’m totally guilty of going storefront–not that I have anything to sell but for a time now I’ve published with more concern… Continue reading Lately

Color of a dream

His fingers inch across the space between until they find the small of my back. Like playing keys on a piano he presses and soothes–muscles stiff from sleep. Hazy gray light is heavy in our bedroom, and after nearly two months spent waiting for the window coverings to arrive, we’re thankful for the lingering dark… Continue reading Color of a dream

Writing Scripture on support beams of new construction

Hi, friends! With the Thanksgiving holiday and a replenishing visit with my people under my belt, I’m trying to tiptoe back into normalcy this week, starting with sharing some photos of the new house today–only these pictures might not be what you expect. Jeff and I had the chance to visit Huntsville last month–just the… Continue reading Writing Scripture on support beams of new construction

This is 37

On the eve of his birthday, I always tell Jayce that I’m going to miss him. I’ve been doing it since he was teensy. I’m going to miss you so much because I’m never going to see my three-year-old snuggly bear again. But I’m excited to meet my four-year-old snuggly bear. This morning–before he left… Continue reading This is 37

Teaching Kids Bible Lessons with a Buddy Box Subscription

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Lifetree, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #growkidsfaith My family has a unique way of doing church. We “attend” every Sunday morning in our pajamas from the comfort of our living room. It’s definitely not ideal;… Continue reading Teaching Kids Bible Lessons with a Buddy Box Subscription

Wild and Precious

A few months ago I stood in a room and watched my granddaughter make her way into the world. It was the single most stunning event I’ve ever witnessed. In the days that followed, I picked up my camera in an effort to freeze-frame a few of the wild and precious moments of new life. … Continue reading Wild and Precious

The simmering year

Dear husbandry, As I sit down to write this letter to you it is the day before our eleventh anniversary. It’s a Thursday, my least favorite day of the week. Already this morning I’ve followed behind Cassidy to clean messes both toothpaste-y and littered with glass shards. And then there was the black bean soup… Continue reading The simmering year