the accent vlog

True story: my family DVR’s 19 Kids and Counting.  We don’t exactly crowd around the TV to watch it regularly, but on select Friday or Saturday nights we do allow TV during dinner (don’t judge; the TV is rarely on in our house).  19 Kids and Counting is one of the few family-friendly shows we… Continue reading the accent vlog

Categorized as Memes

Meme’ing In The New Year

I haven’t been on the computer much this week.  And it’s nice.  Except, of course, that I miss my cyber-peeps.  But I’m guessing that everybody is in a bit of vacation mode, so at least I’m not alone. Jo-Lynne {Musings of a Housewife} did this meme.  I hesitated to follow suit because she wittingly referred… Continue reading Meme’ing In The New Year

Categorized as Memes

Who Meme?

I haven’t done one of these in a long time. One of what, you ask? A meme.  With a summer theme to boot. A themed meme.  If you will. (Okay Darcie, kindly step away from the computer now, so say the gentleman in white suits as they come at me with sinister smiles) This one… Continue reading Who Meme?

Categorized as Memes

Something Good This Way Comes

Merrie at Sleepless Mornings has the best memes.  She should totally be your new go to girl for memes.  I’ve recently declared her mine.  My go to girl for memes that is.  She’s not mine-mine.  You know what I mean.  Anyway… She did this one the other day and I thought it looked like a… Continue reading Something Good This Way Comes

Categorized as Memes

My Seasonal Seven

Stephanie at Metropolitan Mama recently tagged me for a meme.  A holiday meme at that.  Here’s the scoop: I get to tell you seven things about me (as related to the holidays) and then you can play along if you like.  A perfect meme for the beginning of November don’t you think?  So let’s get started.… Continue reading My Seasonal Seven

Categorized as Memes

A Peek Into My Purse

I’m spilling it. No, not the beans. The contents of my purse. Merrie at Sleepless Mornings tagged for a meme in which I must dump my purse and answer a few related questions.  As far as memes go, this is one of the funner ones I’ve seen, so thanks Merrie, for giving me blogging fodder for… Continue reading A Peek Into My Purse

Spread The Love

I’m the proud recipient of a fabulous blog award and I just have to share.  It’s the I love your blog award and it was given to me by Michelle at Life With Three and Kalisha and Reneca at Mommy Lounge.  I love to be loved.  Especially by these groovy gals.  And, you know what they… Continue reading Spread The Love

I’d Like To Thank The Academy

     Sweet Miss Kellie at La Vida Dulce has bestowed upon me my very first bloggy award because I make her day!  As the mom of a teenager I rarely hear that I’ve made somebody’s day so Kellie’s award is a special one  to receive.      When I started my own blog four months ago Kellie’s… Continue reading I’d Like To Thank The Academy

Categorized as Memes

It’s Meme Time

Heather tagged for a meme.  I rather enjoy memes.  What is the worst meal you ever had?  We had Whataburger one year on Mother’s Day.  Does that count? Name one place you could vacation every year?  I’m stealing Heather’s answer.  Disney World – Duh. 5 things that drive you crazy?  -I’m stealing another one from… Continue reading It’s Meme Time

Categorized as Memes