I read an article earlier this week in which the author outlines 16 Things Kids Should Decide For Themselves. I don’t mind telling you that my clever nineteen-year-old long ago dubbed our family’s system of government a “momarchy.” Admittedly, there is truth in that, which would probably explain why the title of that article caught… Continue reading The non-negotiables of parenthood
Category: Rants – Read at Your Own Risk!
Generation me
I answered a question from a Disney guest this morning on the Moms Panel site. I’m not quoting exactly, but her question went something like this, “We’re celebrating my son’s birthday at Walt Disney World and he’ll be receiving lots of attention and surprises. My daughter will be watching all the while. How can I… Continue reading Generation me
No Spin Zone
It should come as no surprise to you that I run with a crowd of Disneyphiles. Which is really quite cool because there are a select few groups in which I can let my mouse card hang out without being shunned. That said, I have a confession to make. One that it appears as though… Continue reading No Spin Zone
The Wife. And Happy To Be.
My friend Heather tells me not to do it. But I do it anyway. Watch Oprah, that is. I can’t help it; she has some really great shows. Even though sometimes she sticks her foot in her mouth, smack dab in the middle of a really great show. Such was the case last week. The… Continue reading The Wife. And Happy To Be.
Make Way For Our Fearless Leader
I’ve been sort of swamped with writing deadlines, so I’ve been a bit scarce here at the Spot. I did, however, want to pop in briefly and tell you about something I heard about via my girl, Heather. I don’t watch the news so I wouldn’t have known about this otherwise…but apparently our fearless leader… Continue reading Make Way For Our Fearless Leader
If you’ve read my 100 Things About Me post you know that I cringe at the sound of the “R” word. Likewise, I also take offense when I hear jokes being made about the “shortbus” or Special Olympics. You can imagine, then, how appalled I was to see the President of our country mock Special… Continue reading YES WE CAN
Seeing Eye to Eye
I live in a relatively large city. As with other cities of comparable size we require a variety of doctors and specialists to treat the population. Cassidy’s visual needs require that she see a pediatric ophthalmologist on a regular basis. Up until a few years ago this wouldn’t have been a problem. But then one… Continue reading Seeing Eye to Eye
Say It Ain’t So
My mind is preoccupied tonight. I sat down intending to write a post that would have been almost identical to this one. It appears as though Amy saved me the trouble though. Apparently wise minds think alike. Gotta love her. We’re watching election results roll in. Both Pennsylvania and Ohio have been projected to be… Continue reading Say It Ain’t So
Darcie for President
I watched Oprah today. I know the dangers of talking politics on my blog (I might offend someone-like I’ve never done that before) but I can’t really hold my tongue on this one. It really wouldn’t have bothered me so much had it not come on the heels of that Presidential debate last night. Today’s… Continue reading Darcie for President