I was scrolling Facebook this morning and came across an article that one of my friends had liked. Titled, “My ‘Naked’ Truth,” it details an experience the 59-year-old female author had with a 55-year-old man she met on a dating site. I’d encourage you to read it for yourself before you finish reading this post.… Continue reading The fallacy in Robin Korth’s Naked Truth
Category: Serious Stuff
The non-negotiables of parenthood
I read an article earlier this week in which the author outlines 16 Things Kids Should Decide For Themselves. I don’t mind telling you that my clever nineteen-year-old long ago dubbed our family’s system of government a “momarchy.” Admittedly, there is truth in that, which would probably explain why the title of that article caught… Continue reading The non-negotiables of parenthood
Grams is not easy to shop for. She’s never been one to focus too much on herself; even those of us who know and love her best seldom hear a wishlist. Christmas was quickly coming and I had no ideas. But then I heard the blurb of something somewhere and it sounded like the perfect… Continue reading Circle
This little light
Throughout the course of my life as a mother there have come to pass many moments in which I’ve seen proof of light and innocence in my children. Within those moments, I’ve wanted nothing more than to tuck my babies quietly away, protecting that quality from the grime and tarnish with which the world would… Continue reading This little light
Something I saw
Something happened the day before we left for vacation. Jeff and I were in town running last-minute errands. We were stopped at a traffic light in the far right lane behind one of those small buses, like the ones used by churches or retirement homes. The light changed to green and all three lanes of… Continue reading Something I saw
Why I’m giving up The Bachelor
Confession: I’m a reality TV junkie if ever there was one. Survivor tops my list of personal favorites, but I’d be lying if I said I don’t look forward to every new season of The Bachelor, or Bachelorette as the case may be. I don’t know what has me hooked. I mean, I know in… Continue reading Why I’m giving up The Bachelor
Where God is
Last Friday, a monster of a human being took aim at an elementary school in Southwestern Connecticut and stole away the lives of twenty-six people, including twenty children. In the wake of the tragedy, the rest of us are either glued to the news in search of answers or we purposefully avoid it, in an… Continue reading Where God is
if tomorrow
When I was fourteen one of my friends from cheerleading, Kelly, was killed in a car accident on the way to school. She was the passenger in a car with a junior–or senior, I can’t remember for sure–who swerved to avoid hitting an animal in the road. She lost control of the car and wrapped… Continue reading if tomorrow
Three Years Gone By
Exactly three years ago I began the day as a different person than I would end it. The Accident would happen right around 3:15 that afternoon, as I sat in the lagoon of a friend’s pool, the kids splashing and giggling all around. By 4:15 our laughter was silenced by the roar of sirens–the whir… Continue reading Three Years Gone By
Life Lessons by Way of a Honda Title
It arrived in the mail so unceremoniously it may as well have been the cable bill. Every day for a week I’d been stalking the mailman–each day’s yield amounting to a worthless stack of grocery ads and credit card offers which were quickly discarded into the recycle bin. All of that changed on the seventh… Continue reading Life Lessons by Way of a Honda Title
sixteen candles
The day I turned sixteen I woke up beneath a pile of covers on a soft bed. I walked across the room–a room I had all to myself–and turned the wand of the blinds to let the sun shine in. Just outside my window was a quiet, tree-lined street. Beyond that, an elementary school where… Continue reading sixteen candles
the behavior contract: in depth
Last week, after I posted the behavior contract, a very keen reader noticed and pointed out that the words I penned back in 2007 suspiciously skirted the topics of sex and dating. While that may seem like a heinous oversight, rest assured that it wasn’t. While I omitted that stuff from the ink, I certainly… Continue reading the behavior contract: in depth