If you were to walk into my garage right this very moment, you’d see a purple Rubbermaid box, marked “HALLOWEEN”. You’d notice that the lid is not secured, and that the spooky contents of the box are overflowing from within–faux black crows and glittery skulls begging to be placed just so inside the house. I’m… Continue reading Trick-Or-Treat Disney Style
Category: Travel
Halloween Time at Disneyland
The return to reality after a weekend at Disneyland is tough stuff. Call me crazy, but something about laundry and homework and the same old boring routine just seems miserably drab when compared to the magic of Halloween Time at Disneyland. Sigh. Believe it or not, this was our family’s very first trip to Disneyland… Continue reading Halloween Time at Disneyland
Head ‘Em Up. Move ‘Em Out.
Betcha can’t guess where we’re headed. Destination: Disney. Second star to the right, and straight on ’till morning. Only this time, destination Disney is much, much closer to home. That’s because we’re heading to the place where the magic all began: Disneyland! I’ve got our bags packed. Mickey ears? Check. Lanyards full of pins? Check.… Continue reading Head ‘Em Up. Move ‘Em Out.
Cruise News You Can Use.
Before our trip, I didn’t know if we were “cruise people.” I did, on the other hand, know we were “Disney World people.” But I’d heard great things about Disney Cruise line. And I’m nothing if not game to try new Disney experiences, so… So I booked the cruise, and thoroughly researched all aspects of… Continue reading Cruise News You Can Use.
Food & Wine. You Had Me at Merlot.
Ah yes. The Food and Wine Festival at Epcot. One of my absolute favorite events evah. For real. I love all aspects of Walt Disney World. You know I do. I love it because I’ve always had just as much fun (if not more) there as my kids do. I love it because we’ve made… Continue reading Food & Wine. You Had Me at Merlot.
WDW 2009 Top Ten
Okay. So where were we? Oh yeah. My Disney trip. :) Let’s talk about it some more. Wanna? I’m not really in the mood for photo editing tonight though. So I’m going to offer up a list of top ten moments from our trip. We’ll get back to the pictures later. But for now, the… Continue reading WDW 2009 Top Ten
On Roughing It (Disney Style)
Each time we go to Walt Disney World we like to try something new, be it a restaurant, new tour, or resort. We were lucky this trip to be able to do all three. And since I know you’re dying to know, the new restaurant we tried was Citrico’s and the new tour we did… Continue reading On Roughing It (Disney Style)
Walt Disney World 08 In Pictures
We’re having some major internet connectivity issues around these parts. I wanted to get this post up last night so that you could all check out some of my favorite vacation pictures, but alas, it wasn’t to be. And rather than ramble on and risk losing my connection again, I’m going to let the pictures… Continue reading Walt Disney World 08 In Pictures
Food and Rides and Croup, OH MY!
Why is it that when you are waiting for your Walt Disney World vacation to begin, the two week countdown slowly drags by but when you are actually at Walt Disney World for a two week vacation that same period of time scoots by like a scuttlebug cuttin’ a rug? We’re home. And, yes, even… Continue reading Food and Rides and Croup, OH MY!
This Is The Life
So here it is, our fourth full day at WDW and finally I’ve got a moment to fill you all in on what’s been going on. So far we’ve toured three of the four major theme parks; Hollywood Studios is on our yet to do list. Today we visited a water park (Blizzard Beach)… Continue reading This Is The Life
Not Just Any Shirt Will Do
Remember those Disney shirts we were working on? Well, it took me awhile to get this post ready because, well, because I’m lazy. When I finally finished ironing on all those transfers and neatly folding the shirts so as not to crease the transfers the last thing I wanted to do was unfold all of… Continue reading Not Just Any Shirt Will Do
Well Of Course It’s Grand. Why Else Would They Call It That?
During our first summer in Arizona we went to the Grand Canyon. We were campers then. Granted we had a tent trailer, but c’mon we still had to walk to the nearest bathroom to use the facilities so I consider it camping. I guess technically we didn’t have to walk to the bathroom. It did… Continue reading Well Of Course It’s Grand. Why Else Would They Call It That?