come on get higher

There is an awakening–of sorts–when first you meet your other.  A tingling wave of emotion as loneliness melts away against the warmth of his smile.  Just the hint of light breaks at first–a beacon of promise.

And then something–you can’t exactly be sure what–sets it off.  An undeniable spark that pops like the fourth of July.  The crackle grows louder in your ears with each passing second.  It’s exhilarating and frightening all at once because you can’t put it out of your mind oh but you know–you’ve been taught–fire isn’t something to be played with.

Like fires do it grows.  What began as but a flicker feeds on the underbrush of desire…the willingness to fall in spite of the risk.  And then–quite suddenly–you have on your hands a raging inferno, burning hotter than anything you’ve ever known.

Time passes and with it, those flames subside.  Still, the whole is quietly sustained.  Smoldering embers fueled by the refusal ever to let go.  To ever go back to the without.

Like the gentle rocking of a ship, or the tender sway of the breeze it carries you away to someplace you’ve never been before.  You wonder at the familiarity of it.  How something so new and undiscovered can feel so much like home.

From your perch in this place of comfort you find the freedom to try new things.  Go to foreign places.  Chart a course undiscovered.  Knowing all along you have a soft place to fall, should you.

You wake up to a lifetime of new days only slightly different than the ones that came before, but worlds apart.  You never know what might be around the bend, but you’re eager to find out.

And with each passing day–with each new tomorrow–you know, even better than you knew before, that, indeed, your heart is no longer your own.  It’s shared now, between the two.

The way it was meant to be.  All along.

Happy anniversary, love.  You’re so totally my other.


  1. Beautiful post and I love the symmetry of the description of finding love and the hot-air balloon ride! What a wonderful way to celebrate. Those pictures are amazing, too! Happy Anniversary! Cheers!

  2. What a fun way to spend your anniversary! You guys are so creative… And so cute :)

  3. Happy Anniversary! What a great way to spend the day and enjoy each other. Beautiful photos too!

  4. Happy Anniversary!! One of my friends and her husband ALSO did a Hot Air Balloon ride this weekend for their anniversary!

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