Can I be honest with you for a second? Here’s the thing: I’m kind of a Valentine’s Day grinch. Don’t get me wrong. I can appreciate demonstrations of love and affection as much as the next girl. What I have a much more difficult time with is sorting through throngs of candy that my kids bring home after their classroom Valentine’s Day parties. I feel like we just finally rid the house of Halloween candy and holiday treats and now here I have to start all over with a bag sugary sweets in every shade of pink and red.  If you’re anything like me, you’re going to love these non candy printable valentines. These non candy Valentines are an easy and inexpensive gift that your child can make for classmates.

Another great thing about this non candy printable Valentines idea is that it’s really easy. Once you get the holes drilled, your child can do this him or herself. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • jumbo popsicle sticks
  • washi tape
  • thin ribbon
  • a drill or hammer & a nail to make the hole in the popsicle stick
  • free printable tagsThese non candy printable Valentines are an easy and inexpensive gift that your child can make for classmates.


To make the bookmarks, you start by drilling a hole in the top of your popsicle stick. The easiest way to do this is to start with a very small drill bit, and make progressively larger holes until you get to your desired size (mine are 5/32). By doing it that way, you avoid splitting the popsicle stick. Once you have your holes in place, you simply wrap small lengths of washi tape around the entire popsicle stick, overlapping in the back so that all of the bare wood is covered. I like the look of using coordinating patterns, but if you prefer to use a single design, that would work, too. Also, you might want to have different designs for boys and girls. Once you’ve got your whole popsicle stick wrapped, you thread thin ribbon through the hole and knot at the top. In the end, you should have something that looks like this:These non candy printable Valentines are an easy and inexpensive gift that your child can make for classmates.


From there, you’re going to want to download and print my free valentine bookmark printable tag sheet and cut out the individual tags.

These non candy printable Valentines are an easy and inexpensive gift that your child can make for classmates.


Use a hole punch to cut out a spot at the top and attach it to your bookmark with twine. Easy peasy, right? These super cute non candy printable Valentines will actually be put to use by the kids in your child’s classroom.These non candy printable Valentines are an easy and inexpensive gift that your child can make for classmates.


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  1. I love it! We will most likely do this next year. I prefer candy-free valentines too, but this year we are making chocolate heart-shaped lollipops.

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