Few things say celebrate like a bottle of champagne. And when aforementioned champagne comes packaged in a cute little bottle, it’s a tough gift to beat. I’m a huge fan of gifting bottles of bubbly or liqueurs, but I’m the first to admit that packaging makes all the difference. That, my friends, is why I created this super cute printable champagne gift tag. This makes gift giving as easy downloading and hitting print.

This free printable champagne gift tag makes it easy to DIY your way to a super cute Christmas gift for neighbors, coworkers or friends. Mini champagne bottles are a festive, fun and cheap Christmas gift idea!

Though they seem like a specialty item, tiny bottles of champagne like these ones are widely available. I picked these up at Target for around $5 each. I’ve also seen miniature bottles of champagne at World Market (only the ones that sell wine) and World Market.

This free printable champagne gift tag makes it easy to DIY your way to a super cute Christmas gift for neighbors, coworkers or friends. Mini champagne bottles are a festive, fun and cheap Christmas gift idea!

It’s so easy to throw together a cute gift basket. I found this chicken wire basket in the dollar spot at Target. I added two inexpensive champagne flutes and some crinkled paper for cushioning and voilà, I’ve got myself a gift most anybody would be happy to receive.

This free printable champagne gift tag makes it easy to DIY your way to a super cute Christmas gift for neighbors, coworkers or friends. Mini champagne bottles are a festive, fun and cheap Christmas gift idea!

I’m sharing the printable champagne gift tag on a sheet of eight. I recommend printing them on cardstock because it’s a bit more rugged than plain printer paper. Once you’ve got your sheet printed you simply cut along the tag line, use a hole punch to make a hole where indicated and tie it to the neck of your tiny champagne bottles. I used twine but pretty ribbon would work well, too.

This free printable champagne gift tag makes it easy to DIY your way to a super cute Christmas gift for neighbors, coworkers or friends. Mini champagne bottles are a festive, fun and cheap Christmas gift idea!

Simply download the printable champagne gift tag sheet and print as many as you’d like. These make perfect gifts for neighbors, coworkers, Secret Santa and friends.This free printable champagne gift tag makes it easy to DIY your way to a super cute Christmas gift for neighbors, coworkers or friends. Mini champagne bottles are a festive, fun and cheap Christmas gift idea!

This free printable champagne gift tag makes it easy to DIY your way to a super cute Christmas gift for neighbors, coworkers or friends. Mini champagne bottles are a festive, fun and cheap Christmas gift idea!

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