Such the Spot reader survey

READERSURVEYIf you’ve been following my blog long, you may have picked up on a trend. That is, I tend to tire of any given blog design after about a year. At that point, I enlist the help of my handsome husband and we set about the business of sprucing up the place a bit. Mostly I set about the business of being nit-picky and bossy and he sets about the business of coding whilst drinking lots of beer as a coping mechanism. Or something like that.

Anywho…I’m considering changing more than just the design of things for next year but I, of course, need input from you–my valued reader. If you would be so kind as to take a very brief 10 question survey I would be most appreciative. If I have left anything out please be sure to comment here and let me know. I’m truly eager for your feedback–both complimentary and constructive. I hope you’ll take a few minutes to let me know how I can enhance your Spot experience. Regular commenters, long-time lurkers ,readers both new and loyal are invited and encouraged to participate. Thank you so much!

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