If you’ve read my 100 Things About Me post you know that I cringe at the sound of the “R” word. Likewise, I also take offense when I hear jokes being made about the “shortbus” or Special Olympics. You can imagine, then, how appalled I was to see the President of our country mock Special… Continue reading YES WE CAN
Tag: Faves
Stuck In The Middle With You
I took all four kids to the park last week. Family visits to the park are tricky with as wide an age range as we have. Torri is way beyond playing. At the park, or anywhere else for that matter. She’d rather sit on the bench next to me (or across from me if someone… Continue reading Stuck In The Middle With You
It Does
It really shouldn’t work between us. He’s nonchalant, forgetful, and dawdling. I’m tightly-wound, organized, and detailed. He retreats when he’s angry. I can’t function without a thorough discussion. He knows the glass is half full. I focus on what’s missing. He squeezes toothpaste from the middle. I insist that from the bottom is the only… Continue reading It Does
This Child
On the day she was born they told me this child had Down syndrome. They said it in a way that left me broken. Desperate. And alone. They said that if we were lucky she would learn to dress herself someday. They said that she’d be mentally retarded. They said she wouldn’t breastfeed successfully. They… Continue reading This Child