Down by the Banks

Did ya miss me?

We were off gallivanting in Colorado for the 4th.  It was awesome, let me just say.

Here in the desert there are certain things that are few and far between.  Grass and trees and water being among them.  But in the high country of colorful Colorado those things are aplenty.  It’s gorgeous.  And chock full of opportunities for adventure (which we took full advantage of, btw).

My mom–who currently resides in Denver–met up with us and stayed for four of our six nights.  We stayed at a KOA kabin (yes ‘k’abin) in Durango.  It was all Hannah Montana-esque what with its best of both worlds.  We had a wooden roof over our heads to protect us against those afternoon thunderstorms and an air conditioner pumping all the while.  Still, it resembled camping because there was a noticeable lack of indoor plumbing and kitchen facilities.  We cooked over both an open fire and a camping stove propane flame.  We laughed late into the night under the endless stars.  We played charades (albeit the iPod app version) and frisbee.  We feasted on campfire foil packets (a la Girl Scouts) and S’mores.

It was a wholesome, outdoorsy family time.  It was awesome.  Truly, wholly awesome.

Awesome in part for what I referred to as our “excursions”.  On our first day there we took to the Animas River (river of lost souls for those who are wondering) for some whitewater rafting.  They totally freaked us out with their spiel about falling in and forty degree water temps and overturned rafts.  Together with that whole ‘lost souls’ bit it was unnerving.  But in the end, it was a totally mild adventure.  There was one point at which Jayce had to exit the raft while the rest of us braved a gnarly rapid but otherwise, totally mild.  And totally worth the price we paid.  The gnarly rapid was a definite highlight.

Here are some pics for your viewing pleasure.

Back tomorrow with some more pictures and tales from our trip…


  1. I get to thr first to comment. How beautiful is this family of mine. So glad you had a great time and all are back home safe and sound. Love to you all, Grams

  2. Looks like fun! I’m so glad you had a good time. Looking forward to reading more.

  3. Reminds me of when Gram & I rafted down the Rogue River in Oregon about 30 years ago. After morning coffee I had to use the bathroom so bad. By the time we got to the turn around place where there was a porta-potty. I was first one off the raft.
    I looked back before reaching my destination and saw a steady stream of people following me up the path.
    I felt like the Pied Piper of pee!

    1. I’m sure Jeff felt the same on our recent trip. We watched a steady steam of men/boys follow him up a trail out into the trees. For some reason the men’s restroom wasn’t as appealing an option as the bush bathroom. Boys will be boys I guess.

  4. Isn’t whitewater rafting so fun? I went once in California and absolutely loved it – terrifying though it was because we hit a rock and our guide fell out! Luckily, she was okay…but it was still seriously scary.

    Can’t wait to see more photos.

    P.S. Do you think you might consider MOVING to Colorado? I’m curious.

    1. I was so freaked out when we first got on the raft. I can only imagine how much more freaked out I’d be if our guide fell out! Yikes.

      We lived in Colorado Springs for a year and it was gorgeous. I really enjoyed the community and schools. I don’t think I could ever call Colorado home again, though, because I’m too cold-blooded. Snow from October to May just isn’t my thing!

      1. Same here. I prefer milder winters. I have high hopes for WA, OR, and CA. We’re excited to spend some time in those three states this fall.

  5. What a great adventure! We LOVE Colorado and go 2-3 times a year. We hope to move there next year! Can’t wait to hear some stories from the trip!

      1. Josh and I can both transfer to Denver through work (although the goal is for me to quit mine completely and be more involved in the kids’ schools and be home when they are) so we’re looking at Castle Rock or Monument.. two small towns with great schools in between Colorado Springs and Denver.

  6. Okay Darcie … I’m ready to pack the kids and grandkids up and take to camping in a KOA kabin! Seriously!! Just wish there was one or two IN Yosemite NP. ;D

    1. I LOVE Yosemite, Cathi. And though it’s worlds different than a primitive KOA kabin, you might check into the Tenaya Lodge there. It’s a beautiful resort! We’ve also enjoyed staying in chalets in Oakhurst before. Not *inside* the park but very close.

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