View from the top

I’m slicing green peppers for tomorrow’s lunches while simultaneously overseeing homework and a shower-taker still in training.  The older two walk through the door to paninis waiting on the table.  Eager to tell me about her new gig as one of the JV football managers, the freshman starts in but there comes a bang from… Continue reading View from the top

This boy I know

His bedroom door sticks from monsoon humidity.  The groan of it breaks a quiet morning.  Next come familiar footsteps, padding across the hall and into the kitchen.  Bare but for his LEGO Batman briefs, my eyes try, but can’t find the baby fat they remember.  He leans in to me–still too sleepy for uprightness.  From… Continue reading This boy I know


The red-orange flames of a raging fire brought them home two weeks early, like a Christmas gift found stashed in with the ol’ glory bunting and sparklers. The flight was late–an unexpected midnight airport run.  A groggy morning after. Laughter seeps out from under a closed door.  I sneak up on it, with breath drawn… Continue reading patchwork

A Girl Uncommon

On the day she turned one we celebrated in the city park.  I remember watching her toddle around and wondering at where the year had gone. Today she turned seventeen. Seven. teen. One year from adulthood.  One quick-as-a-blink year left before she arrives.  Officially free to go her own way, wherever that might be. It’s… Continue reading A Girl Uncommon

Talking CRAP

When first they go off to dad camp I–admittedly–exhale.  The pace slows to a half-hearted stroll.  There is an eh-whatever mentality where once a gotta-get-it-done one ruled supreme. There is the novelty of cooking for only three. There are fewer piles of laundry. There are lazy mornings. Empty schedules.  Lots and lots of minutes to… Continue reading Talking CRAP


I have different points of pride for each and every one of the little people who’ve come into the world through my body. Today, though?  The redhead. She leaves my heart so puffed with love and pride that sometimes I worry it’ll either burst or just up and float right away. This child.  Oh my… Continue reading Redhead